Most modern diet advice is BS - let's dispel the myths, and give you the simple truth.


Director of Life Rocks

Cover Image for Most modern diet advice is BS  - let's dispel the myths, and give you the simple truth.
·5 min read

Keto? High carb? Low carb? Moderate carb? Low fat? Super greens? What about fasting? Are you confused about what to eat? Most people are. Marketing on food has taken the place of legitimate advice. The advice we are given is designed to sell products and not to increase health. This practice of marketing crap foods to the public goes way back, beyond even the time of Coca-Cola. The whole world of nutrition is so convoluted, that what is promoted almost always plays into the hands of the drug companies, creating health issues that they can solve with their drugs. Don’t believe me? American warmonger Henry Kissinger supports my statement with this quote from 1970, “Control oil and you control nations; control food, and you control the people.” Calories make the world go round. Yet certain foods have certain effects. Eat from one menu of choices every day and become ill. Eat from another menu of daily choices and become healthy. So, what industry lies are holding us back from real health, and what can we do about it? I am going to point out some simple facts about diet. These statements come from years of experience in navigating my clients and my own health challenges. After this short download of distilled knowledge, I will leave you with a few keywords that will help you chase the white rabbit to health. Ready? First off, not all fats are your friend. In fact, most are not. You know those so-called healthy heart fats in the supermarket? They are terrible for your heart. Dodgy marketing at its finest. Back in the 1930’s George and Mildred Burr conducted an experiment that resulted in the term essential fatty acids. Turns out, the parameters of their experiment were flawed – but no one retested the experiment until years later. In the meantime, their studies became the darling of the vegetable and fish oil industry. They were touted as undeniable proof of the “essential” and heart healthy, life extending properties of liquid oils and vegetable fats. The marketing still trolls on to this day. Yet in reality, all liquid vegetable, seed, nut, fish and grain oils slow our metabolism down, reduce our ability to use carbohydrates as fuel, and when those faculties get reduced – chronic illness, acute illness, and degradation are not too far away. So, what fats are worth eating? Saturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Butter, coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, cheese – you know, the good stuff. Secondly, sugar is your friend. Contrary to popular belief, sugar is not an evil cocaine-like substance. Sugar is essential for basically all organisms to thrive! Not white sugar; you can leave that on the shelf. I mean natural sugars from fruits, root vegetables, vegetables, honey, maple, etc. AKA carbohydrates. Ever heard someone say, “I can’t eat carbs; I just put on weight”? This happens to someone when they have too many of the unsaturated liquid fats that block carbohydrate metabolism. The problem isn’t the sugar – it’s the fats! Without these fats stopping our bodies proper use of carbs, our body prefers burning carbs over fats – it's more energy efficient, and less stressful to the body. So next time you hear someone complaining that carbs make them fat, you can tell them, “Actually, you just have a slow carbohydrate metabolism – maybe you should stop eating liquid fats, nuts, seeds and fatty fish.” Your comment will go down a treat. So! Saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and natural sugars are the best? Yep! Now what? Eat protein. Not only that, eat quality protein. You are what you eat. But, you are also what your food ate. Unless you are eating organic meat and dairy you are consuming a boat load of pharmaceutical compounds, hormones, pesticides, fungicides and other junk that no body needs. Food is supposed to be clean, so eat organic. Men who eat a diet low in pesticides have higher quality sperm, and more of it.

So here it is, the distilled advice:

Increase saturated fat, decrease unsaturated fat, increase quality carbs and buy organic protein. Want to go deeper into this diet framework? Put “prometabolic” in Google, and dive right in. REF: Essential Fatty Acids: The work of George and Mildred Burr - Unsaturated fatty acids: Nutritionally essential, or toxic? -