Your support is crucial in helping us achieve our mission.

By donating to Life Rocks, you contribute to the well-being of children, families, and teachers, empowering them with access to action-based Earth science and holistic health education, resources, and services. 

The need for our nature-centric programs and interventions has never been more apparent than in these challenging times. Join us in making a positive impact on the lives of children and the future of our planet. Together, we can nurture a generation that values, understands, and protects the wonders of our Earth.

Donate today and be a part of this transformative journey.

Boy looking at a rock
Kids looking at a variety of shells on a table
Boy touching soil and smiling

For humanity to develop a culture of deep connection with nature, for a happier and healthier future.


To anchor childhood development and earth sciences at the heart of education and serve as a key ally in connecting children with nature.


To support children, families and teachers in accessing the best action-based earth science and holistic health education, resources and services.