5 Benefits of Getting Health Coaching as a Family

Director of Life Rocks

Studies show family coaching has a positive impact on health and well-being. Having a health coach for your family can be an absolute game-changer.
Book a 15-minute alignment call with Asher to see if Family Health Coaching is right for you.
Book a call with AsherParents are busy in this modern world, trying to get by day to day, so how are they meant to be able to keep up with all of the information about holistic health, lifestyle, and childhood development? Most parents can’t find the time to do their due diligence in every area of life, and there is no shame in that. If you want to be proactive for your family's health, get a health coach and take some pressure off your shoulders.
Here are five reasons why coaching might work for your family:
1. Improved communication:
Health coaching can help families learn to communicate better and build stronger relationships.. The use of language shared between parents and children can greatly impact relationships and childhood development. An extra benefit from health coaching is that it will leave you feeling good in your body, which leads to good communication and maintaining a vibrant atmosphere at home or in the classroom, whilst being a positive role model.
Life Rocks has a body of tools and resources available for you and your family to dive into better health and thus communication after your very first session with our health coach, Asher.

2. Increased motivation:
A family health coach helps keep you and the family motivated. Motivation grows exponentially when more than one person is involved, and even more so in groups. Families can instill a strong culture that can last a lifetime and one of the best encouragers of a healthy lifestyle. Life Rocks family coaching encourages you to connect deeper with your family's core values, connecting everyone to a deeper source of inspiration and motivation.
Book a 15-minute alignment call with Asher to see if Family Health Coaching is right for you.
Book a call with Asher-------
3. Better nutrition:
A health coach can provide personalised nutrition advice that suits the intricacies and dynamics specific to your family. It can help you make healthier food more effortless, tastier, and more fun for the whole family. Asher dives deep into the food and can help navigate fussy stomachs, identify nutrient deficiencies, and assist in dietary-based interventions for mood fluctuations, energy levels, weight loss, food cravings, allergies and more. As a result, Asher has helped many families shift their dietary habits for good.

4. Stress relief:
Working with a health coach as a family helps reduce stress levels by providing more positive strategies for dealing with difficult situations. The life of parents in today’s modern world can keep you under a huge amount of pressure to perform and remain positive at the end of the day, upholding yourself as a positive role-model for your children. In the health coaching for families program with Asher, you will learn satisfyingly simple tools for stress management and relaxation for you and your family.
5. Cutting-edge guidance & an expert perspective:
Parents are busy and don’t often have the extra time or energy to study holistic health or childhood development. We understand this completely, which is why experts like those at Life Rocks can help point out roadblocks, developmental hindrances, issues, or blockages before they get out of hand. Having an extra pair of eyes on the job is as important for parents as it is in any other area of life. When we are in the flow of parenting day after day, we don’t always look up to see the opportunities that could drastically improve the health, wellbeing and development of our children.

This is why family health coaching can come in handy and it could instill a strong culture of healthy living and create positive habits that last a lifetime.
Book a 15-minute alignment call with Asher to see if Family Health Coaching is right for you.
Book a call with AsherFamilies need support. Life Rocks are here to help and can become a crucial player in making the life and lives of your family that much better.
We are here to provide information, resources, products and services that can help you support yourselves and children in your lives to become happier, healthier and more well-rounded human beings, living in harmony with Nature.
Life Rocks!