Ocean discovery sessions

The ocean is a vast and fascinating world, full of wonder and mystery. It's home to many forms of life that have developed unique survival mechanisms to adapt to their living pressures.

This journey is designed to take young learners on an exciting underwater adventure, exploring the curious ways in which marine animals live and the incredible diversity of species that inhabit the sea.

We will delve into the importance of ocean ecosystems as part of Earth’s broader ecological systems, using a combination of systems-based learning and basic biological theory.

The full set of incursions are designed so that, by the end of the journey, students will have an understanding of how life thrives in the ocean and how it operates.

Session Pricing: $15 per student per session

John Nguyen

John Nguyen


My name is John – Life Rocks Ocean Ambassador and Learning Facilitator, and all-round animal fanatic. My background lies in Zoology, Microbiology and Marine Biology, and my passion for the fantastical natural world keeps me on a path of learning and sharing.

If you have any questions, would like to know more or are keen to book a session - please get in touch!

tribes of the reef
Tribes of the Reef
Duration: 45 minutes
Single Foundational Session
One of the most interesting factors of ocean life is the sheer amount of creature types found within its depths. Life on this planet looked very different when it first began in the ocean and, over time, has gone through drastic changes to eventually make it onto land. This incursion explores some of the animal forms that have existed since times of old, where students will get a close look at various sea creatures through hands-on interactions and activities with real specimens.
Further Exploration: Two additional sessions (Feeding types & Creature mechanics)
tribes of the reef
Surviving Reef Life
Duration: 45 minutes
Single Foundational Session
The ocean can be a harsh environment to live in, encompassing myriad factors for its animals to navigate. To survive in these underwater habitats, ocean animals have developed various ecological strategies to help them sustain their lifestyles. In this incursion, students will explore a few of these creature strategies to understand the types of survival pressures that can come from living within an ocean habitat.
Further Exploration Sessions: Two additional sessions (Animal ecology & Reproduction)
tribes of the reef
Reefy Resources
Duration: 45 minutes
Single Foundational Session
The ocean is comprised of many interconnected habitats, each with their own ecological importance and role. Coral reefs as ecosystems are among the top players in keeping the grander oceans healthy, where they not only house a great portion of ocean animals, but also have critical interactions with other habitats. This incursion focuses on the inner workings of coral reefs as ecossystems and explores some key features that make them such an important habitat for the ocean.
Further Exploration Sessions: Two additional sessions - Reef Diversity & Ecosystem Roles