Use Natural light as medicine

Director of Life Rocks

Light is medicine. People who practice proper use of lighting in their life are experiencing massive benefits to their mood, energy, hormones, sleep, and their connection to nature.
Knowing how light impacts our health, mood, hormones, and every aspect of our life – we cannot return to the darkness of “not knowing.” When we accept how light impacts us, our lives will change forever.
Have you ever wondered why some lighting is upsetting to look at? Why are children restless after using screens? Why some lighting makes you cringe? Whilst other lighting may make you feel warm and calm?

There is a science behind these feelings. Once we learn the science, we can use it to enhance our lives, boost our physiology, and create better lifestyles. Until we learn the science, we may be using light in ways that harm us – so keep listening on, to prep yourself against the pitfalls of modern lighting.
Imagine a romantic dinner... under the glow of fluorescent tubes. It doesn’t work, does it? Something about the sterile, alert, radiance of the fluoro tubes is anti-romance.
The cold anxiety associated with this type of lighting that is so familiar to offices, hospitals, public bathrooms, and warehouses is not just in your head. Candlelight, on the other hand, evokes comfort, communion, warmth, and homeliness – and these feelings aren’t just in your head either.
The source of these apparently subjective emotions is rooted in the sensory and hormonal systems of our body and in how our body responds to light.
So let's find out how the body responds to light: The human body responds most sensitively to blue light. Blue light color increases alertness and “day time” hormones of cortisol, adrenaline, dopamine, etc.
Blue light in nature peaks during the middle of the day, increasing the hormones of alertness, so during peak daytime, this is the time for peak activity – or so our hormones say. While blue light can positively create alertness, not all blue light is equal, and there are certain qualities of light that emanate from modern lighting that are purely harmful.

Ever noticed the flicker in fluorescent tubes? This flicker rate is irritating to the nervous system, and it is present in LEDs also, yet we cannot perceive this flicker because it is happening so fast.
Even though we may not be able to detect the flicker rate of our LCD screen or LED energy-saving bulbs, the flicker rate is still occurring – and studies have shown this flickering increases negative arousal of the nervous system, eye strain, poor work performance, and headaches – all of these symptoms and more have been linked to blue and white, flickering, modern lighting.
When blue light is absent from our lighting, like in the case of firelight – the absence of blue light allows our “night time” hormones of rest and relaxation to increase. An increase of melatonin, GABA, and other regenerative hormones is stimulated by the deficit in blue light, and this is how we get a great and restful sleep.
So let's maximise the benefits of light through the following steps:
- Become aware of the fact that blue light, especially from devices and most modern lighting, will increase stress hormones, disrupt sleep cycles, increase eye strain, cause headaches, reduce performance, decrease memory, reduce deep sleep, create blood sugar issues, and increase weight gain.
- Work on reducing the impact of blue light in environments that you control. Use red light bulbs for the bedrooms. Change your overhead daytime lighting to full spectrum LEDs that do not flicker and ditch the flickering energy-saving globes. Put blue light filters on your devices and put away your screens a couple of hours before bed to maximize your restful hormones.
- In environments where you cannot control the lighting, get some blue blocker glasses.
- Get outside early in the day and expose yourself to bright light early on – this will boost daytime hormones and help you kickstart the day. As the day comes to a close, reduce exposure to bright light and use warm red lighting instead to wind you down.
After implementing these steps, be prepared to see the world in a whole new light. All of these steps can be implemented in your family. Most of all, parents lead by example.

Studies show family coaching has a positive impact on health and well-being. Book a 15-minute alignment call with Asher to see if Family Health Coaching is right for you.
Book a call with AsherIf the parents decide that excess blue light is no longer acceptable, this will become the culture. Get them young though, pulling teenagers away from their already well-developed blue light addiction will result in hissy fits.
Regardless, we can still have these conversations, buy better lighting, put screen filters on apps, and encourage screens away before bed.
If you want to know more on this topic check out great articles and products at Block Blue Light or read my book Connecting Children to Nature for a more comprehensive look at the dangers of EMF and lighting, and solutions to mitigate these issues. If you want to consult with someone about it, walk through the various challenges, or face any other lifestyle and environmental challenges you or your family are facing – contact me for a 15 minute complimentary consult to discuss what you'd like support with.
Book a call with AsherREFERENCES:
The horrors of working under LED’s and how you can avoid them
The Effects of Red and Blue Lights on Circadian Variations in Cortisol, Alpha Amylase, and Melatonin
Morning and Evening Blue-Enriched Light Exposure Alters Metabolic Function in Normal Weight Adults